Saturday, December 31, 2011


Greetings, fellow craft enthusiasts!

I have decided to start a brand new blog where I can post about my new hobbies, mainly crochet. With the greatness that is Pinterest, so many DYI projects are now at our fingertips, and sometimes on our fingertips, and I thought a new blog would be a good place to post some of those creations and re-creations.

Feel free to make suggestions, comments (both good and bad) and even just say hello, if you want.

I'm by no means a pro at any of these crafty things. I am merely an enthousiast and n00b at the whole thing. Hopefully my posts can inspire you to do something DIY of your own, and hopefully I can offer some fun hints and tips on how I've created them myself.

Hope to hear from all of you soon. If all goes well, my first post on crochet is coming on tonight!
