Monday, January 2, 2012

Advent Calendar

Last post about Christmas, I promise!  I'm a big fan of those lovely, yummy chocolate calendars you can get every year.  I usually get hubby a Lego Advent Calendar, and I've been getting myself a Lindt one.  On a recent trip to Michael's, I found a paintable Santa one.  In my search for a new hobby, I figured this could be fun!  Little did I know it'd take me 3 months to complete it.  It needed quite a few coats, and the doors were a bit of a pain, since painting around the numbers wasn't quite doable.  In the end, I decided to do all the doors in Chalkboard paint (so we can change up the numbers every year), and the knobs in white and red.  Made it easier, but it's still not completely done, as the inside edges will need to be painted also (as you'll see in the finished picture)..  I'm fairly pleased with the end result, but at the same time, wish it turned out a bit better.  We did mess up the star on the tree, and Santa's face isn't done yet.  Hopefully I can finish him all next year before Christmas and use it with the little man.

Here he is after just the white parts were done (I think this is one coat).

You can't really see how weird Santa looks now...

And the completed (so far) version:

But he looks a bit misshapen when painted.
Another fun little thing I did this year, was show off our Christmas cards in a new way.  I was tired of just putting them on a shelf, so I had found a post about putting them on a ribbon on a door in the kitchen, and sure enough, it did look quite festive.  Hoping to do it again next year, but with new clothespins and on a few more doors too, so it's less cluttered.

Love getting cards!!
OK, this should really be the end of Christmas-y things, at least until next September.


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